Posted by: Jai Dev Singh | September 24, 2007

AAT Official Launch

Greetings Everyone,

(The Amrit Alliance Official Website is coming soon, Stay Tuned!)

The past several months I’ve been tirelessly working away on building the foundation for our business, Amrit Alliance Training. As many of you know we are a service based business that is based in Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda and accelerated learning courses.

The backbone of this company is our immersion courses and camps but we are also developing some really innovative products including everything from music and cds, yoga manuals and books and audio recordings of our courses.

I’ve always heard it took a lot of energy to build a business, but man! I feel very blessed that I’ve spent a couple of years learning business, marketing, etc… Now putting it into action is quite the journey. I’m enjoying.

Currently we’re putting our press kits together (for both myself and Simrit), building our website (which is going to be awesome by the way), developing marketing materials, our courses and many other things.

Being an entrepreneur is truly a powerful path. It has its pros and cons but I believe it is the path for most of us who are visionaries and wanting to create a new reality for our planet. Some say that working the 9 to 5 is an easier route, but for me I could never be content with that–therefore its not easier because it would drive me nuts. When God calls you gotta follow through or else it creates an unsettled stress that can never really go away. So God, I’m pushing forward! Its a challenge and these early stages can be trying at times. I am confident without dooubt that Amrit Alliance Training (AAT) is going to be a highly successful company and a leader in the world of yoga and personal development.

The official launch is planned for January 08.

I can’t wait to show you guys what we’ve got waiting behind the curtains! Keep your eyes open for us–we’ve got big things to do–hope you join the ride!

Signing out,

Jai Dev

Posted by: Jai Dev Singh | April 28, 2007

Y.O.G.A For Youth Benefit w/ Snatam Kaur

The Celebrate Peace Tour Benefit event is coming up close and I want to give you some more information about who it is exactly we are raising money for.

Y.O.G.A. For Youth (Y.O.G.A-Your Own Greatness Affirmed) is a non-profit who trains    yoga teachers of all traditions to teach for at-risk or incarcerated youth. Any yoga teacher can take the Y.O.G.A For Youth teacher training and teach to the kids in your particular community under the umbrella of Y.O.G.A. For Youth. The organization was founded by Krishna Kaur, a very inspiring woman from LA that I greatly admire. I recomend anyone who is a Krishna Kaurpractitioner and/or teacher seeking her out whenever possible.

Each year I try to do at least 1 big seva project (selfless service). Over the past couple of years I’ve had the pleasure to host Snatam Kaur and the Celebrate Peace Tour here in Nevada County. I’m not actually in the event promotion business (although I was at one time), but do enjoy producing an event every so often (and therefore remind myself how much work it is!) Either way I am always enthusiastic about working with Snatam and Spirit Voyage Live Events. I am inspired by their mission and the presence they hold wherever they go.

For those of you who haven’t experienced Snatam Kaur and Guru Ganesha Singh live, get excited. For those of you who have–well, you’re already excited.

In case you don’t know by now here’s whats happening in just a couple weeks in Grass Valley. Snatam is doing a workshop on Sat. 5/12 and a concert Sun. 5/13. Guru Ganesha will also be giving a workshop on Mon. 5/14.

All the details can be found here. Tickets can be bought at the previous link or at the Briar Patch Co-Op, Wild Mt. Yoga and Harmony Books in Nevada County.

Posted by: Jai Dev Singh | April 8, 2007

Launching The Vision

Thank you for visiting my new blog site. The old blog site  is still available for viewing but I won’t be adding new posts there.

We are preparing to launch our new business sometime within the next 6 months. It is a project that has been in the works for a couple of years now and finally the ins and outs have started to come together and the foundation is being set.

At this time I can’t share a whole lot about it but I will say that we have plans to reach a lot of people over the next few years and greatly expand the quantity and quality of our work in yoga, ayurveda, and personal development.

 Both Simrit and I have developed what we believe to be a innovative and powerful model that has the potential to reach thousands of people. Our goal is to also train many of those people to also reach many others, and so on.

 I promise to keep you posted as we move forward.

 In Love and Grattitude,

 Jai Dev Singh
